How Much Should I Feed My Pet?

Written by Lucy Marcham, Academy Trainer

All pet food will come with feeding instructions and a guideline for daily feeding amounts. Use this as a starting point, and stick to the lowest amount at first. Remember this can be adjusted if there is weight gain or loss.  

In order to understand how much you should be feeding, it is first essential that you are aware of your pets current weight. For help look at our Cat Weighing Guide and our Dog Weighing Guide.

 By regularly weighing and body scoring you will be able to determine if your pet is at a healthy size. 


Weigh the Food

The most accurate way to give your pet the correct amount of food is by weighing it electronically. Scooping a rough handful or just visually looking at the bowl, could result in giving 20% more or fewer calories every day!

The most accurate way to measure out food is to use a bowl and a scale. Simply pop the food into a bowl, or container and put it on the scales. This can be done daily, or you could measure out a week’s worth of food at a time.

For a free weighing service and lots of expert advice, pop into your local Pets Corner store.