Our Guide to Choosing the Right Bed for Your Dog

Written by Lucy Marcham, Academy Trainer

Every dog deserves a soft and comfortable place to lie down and dream about treats. Selecting an appropriate bed for your dog, is just as important as choosing our own beds.

The best beds should evenly distribute your animal’s weight to relieve pressure on their joints, provide warmth and support their preferred sleeping positions. So, here are some top tips for finding the perfect cosy bed for your canine companion. 


For Puppies

Young pups will need support; however, it is important to remember this is their first bed. There are likely to be accidents such as wetting, spills and maybe some chewing. Look for something that will be durable, comfortable, and most importantly washable!

Blankets and plastic beds are great because they are easy to keep clean and are more resilient to chewing.


For Adults and Seniors

Once dogs mature and are no longer chewing everything or having accidents, they can graduate to a grown up bed!

Senior dogs likely are feeling more sore than they used to, so it is worth keeping this in mind. Thick and soft beds will provide the most support for our golden oldies. 

Psst: Remember senior dogs will need more support in their diet too. Joint care is essential, for more information about the importance of joint care read our blog. Head over here to find high joint care diets. 


Which Style?

There are lots of quirky, fashionable and exciting bed designs to choose from. However, the most important consideration is ‘how’ your dog sleeps.

Matching your dogs sleeping style is key when choosing a bed. Some dogs prefer to sprawl out and stretch all their limbs. Others prefer to curl up into a comfortable ball.

If you want to try out your dog on different beds and fancy some advice, head over to your local Pets Corner store


Mattress Beds 

Mattress beds are oval or rectangular padded beds without sides. This design is perfect for pets who like to sprawl out. 

Remember the more stuffing in the bed, the more evenly your pets weight will be distributed. A top tip when choosing a mattress bed is to sit on it yourself! If you can feel the hardness of the floor your pet will too. 

The best mattress beds will allow your pet to sleep on any part of it and still be supported. 


Slumber Beds

Slumber beds have sides which allow pets to snuggle down into the bed and rest against them. A great option for those who like to curl up and feel secure.

When choosing a Slumber Bed make sure the mattress bottom fits snug against the edges providing continual support.

Look carefully for a dart design in the stitching. This is where the stitching can be seen in several spots, joining together the material on either side of the bed and holding the stuffing in place.

Dart design means that the stuffing will be held in place providing continued structure. This is important for stopping the sides  collapsing over time and causing the bed to become misshapen.

So, remember to consider the age of your dog, the way they sleep  and the quality of the bed. The key is looking for a bed that is supportive, comfortable, and bonus points if it’s machine washable.